Sunday, November 28, 2010

What's that sound?

   I think I hear something  that causes me to consider the villagers may be outside again with the torches and sharp farm implements. What is it this time, I wonder; another creature on it's way back here via homing beacon inadvertently killed someone? Or perhaps Igor got found out trying to pass his 'gold coins'. His lab-forged proofs are actually made from yellow-bronze brain insulation foil wrapped around a small chunk of lead then 'stamped' to coin size in the bone crusher. I wonder what gave it away, the portrait of my grandfather on one side, or the self portrait of Igor on the other. Both are extremely crude, stick-figure men type likenesses. The eyes are circles with a dot in the middle. I only know who they are intended to be because Igor showed me, seeking praise for his handiwork.
   I tried to explain to him he was more likely to get away with it if he used a portrait on one side only and a relief of our castle on the other, more in the fashion of real coins.