Sunday, November 21, 2010

Immortality and guardians of global economy

   Anyone paying the least bit of attention and employing even the loosest elements of deductive reasoning will conclude that the whole of my efforts back in the late 18th century were obviously a means of developing a path to immortality. I think Mary Shelley alluded to it somewhat, in that neatly composed biography. I intend to fill in select finer points, herein various media to follow.
   I suppose you can suppose that I succeeded in my bid, as you are reading current entries posted by me, and are sure to realize my nom-de-plume serves only to throw off only the basest of perceptions. There are things to tell, subjects to broach, concepts to dangle. For your edification, for my need to vent. First off, I am over 250 years old. The cells of my body are suspended in an artificial (not naturally occurring) chimera protein. It allows a rejuvenation of the chromosome telomerase cycle which balances on a fifteen link structure that never allows the enzyme to shorten. Only at the 'south end' will the end link shorten and drop off, and then the protein chimera structure builds a new link at the 'north end'. The north-south label is not figurative, the chain really does have a detectable alignment with the Earth's magnetic field. A simple diet sustains the mechanism and it works on a 16 to 22 month cycle. It was my third creature's creation that illuminated this principle.
   Sometimes I have some difficulty convincing myself that I haven't created some new kind of symbiotic cellular parasite, living one to each cell of my body. Cellular division is unusual: as each cell divides, one of the split new cells always dies. So it remains a one for one exchange of cell rather than expansion of the organism. (hint: this mechanism would be ideal for identifying cancerous elements before they grew to the point of becoming a threat). Hence my concern of the parasitic property, I may be sustaining an organism that is only able at division to transfer to one of the new cells. The other new cell dies immediately from the absence of the needed chimera. My metabolism is about one fifth of a normal adult, yet I never exhibit any symptoms that would be atypical of an average 42-45 year old Euro-caucasian male.
   Either no one else has discovered this, or it's well guarded. Too much too soon for the world; there is as of yet no means of assessing affects on global economy via a scaled delineation model that could be used to determine at what point a product that prolongs life indefinitely could be introduced without causing severe-to-catastrophic socio-economic disruption. A few storied analysts like to think there are such instruments and they themselves wield them with deft nimble acuity, but they are just shooting guns into a dark room and assuming the groan and plop of a body hitting the floor to be evidence that they hit their target and are therefore marksmen. They did hit a target but they are only lucky, always analyzing no further to determine the specifics of whether it's good or bad luck. If that is possible. No one is able (or more likely willing) to turn the lights on to see.
  Plus it would be difficult to give a Nobel prize to a person that nearly all of the world population considers to be a fictional being.