Sunday, November 21, 2010

Ongoing funding is no problem

  Nikola Tesla was an intern or lab assistant here right after he left university. Regarding certain contributions to efforts he may or may not have made, I didn't want to be forced to pay him. So I cheated Igor of his notional immortality by renaming the "Igor Coil" as (the) "Tesla Coil".
  But judging from the state of the world since the late 1800's I would say Nikola learned a great deal from my innovations. Everything except how to manage money, perhaps. You know the story of him tearing up his Westinghouse contract, the one that would have made him the world's first billionaire? It was all true, but he tore it up because it had a become a worthless document - after the transfer of it's principal value to my ownership. He signed it over to me in gratitude for merely naming that stupid sparking gizmo after him. That, and after a courier I sent 'reminded' Nikola just where he really got his ideas...
   Now I am worth...well, trillions. And that big electrical concern doesn't dare breathe a word to the public. How would it look for them if the world knew who really invented and holds active contract patents on nearly all AC power generation principles? Looks like I'll never run short of funds though...
   I tell people it's all just family money.
   Well, it is now!! ah-HA HA HA HA HA HA hee hee hee hee !!