Friday, December 3, 2010

Mary Shelley (3 of many); Lake Geneva hijinx

 Some specific events occurring during the summer of 1816 round the shores of Lake Geneva ended up inflicting a large throughput of cultural legacy down many successive avenues of mass media. Either those of Mary's purposefully intended forthwith; or following in turn on successive generation's influenced instincts exploitment extant.
  My initial thoughts at the time were swimming in some concern that Percy Shelley might consider his wife Mary's frequent visits to my house across the lake to be borne of a nature other than literary inspiration.  Until I visited their house and quickly surmised his interests of ilk were not bound in the matrimonial safekeeping of Mary but were instead some avid prospect within a mutually gained pact of 'heavy lifting' entered into between himself and the other oversized personality domiciled on that shore opposite my own.
  Regardless of my own personal taste and irregardless of what measured distance I became good friends with all three. Albeit with caveats, though broached in good stead via the common acquiesced manner of the genteel. Which means I didn't mind where they practiced their swordsmanship as long as they kept it well within the furthest round circumference of rapier's swipe and far askew the perchance of my periphery.