Saturday, December 4, 2010

An intern issue

  Though Igor claims otherwise, I suspect one of the interns may be showing signs of encroaching lycanthropy. A little lightbulb in my head went off a few days ago following the 'deer hunting' episode. (2010, Dec; "Igor - deer hunting")
Had I been paying closer attention I would have noticed the number of interns in the 'hunting party' fell short by one of the total number of actual interns I know to be working here in the castle. That, and the sudden appearance the other day of what looked to me like long canine hairs around the drain in the locker room showers.
So now I can conclude that none of the holding pen tenants managed an escape but that one intern may have been a little careless at feeding time with one particular pen's occupant. Forge steel wire gloves and titanium plate arm sheaths are heavy and quite uncomfortably cumbersome, but they do guarantee one's immortal soul will remain immutable when accursed fangs are unable to penetrate the flesh of those hands that feed them.
The followup paperwork could be a potential chore were I taking on interns from schools that were not among the extensive list of my alma maters. Reports back that an intern placed in my charge had suddenly succumbed to becoming a werewolf might not be taken by some schools with the same old grain of salt swallowed past accustomed familiarity.