Thursday, December 23, 2010

Helpful lab hints #4 specimen anesthesia protocols

 Foremost in the maintaining of operative functions for the type of work we do here is to first specify in the long view the most essential of tools to keep ready at hand. Aside from  those such as found on the standard surgical tray in any operating theater scoped in the practice of western invasive procedures are the instruments comprising the anesthesia protocol. A refined art in itself, the application of anesthesia aids greatly whilst in the midst of the practice of many types of procedures. Should the unusual situation arise where more time is needed to complete the task at hand, especially when it is noticed that relied upon assistance is suddenly nowhere to be found, it is considered prudent to have additional implements of anesthesia at the ready.
 A situation arose where the eventual outcome forced me to remind Igor that though I had trouble during the rising drama of the situation seeking the anesthesia tool when it was most needed I found myself recalling quite well where the bullwhip was hanging in it's spot on the wall. 
 I felt ridiculous saying it to him. Over these past two hundred years it has grown fruitless in attempting to instruct Igor by means of corporal discipline. He has obviously grown immune to such a degree that the last time I whipped him I discovered that he was merely engaging in some silly pantomime of agony at each stroke of the lash. Either through excessive scarring or sheer endurance of will he had become immune to the sting of the whip. He was in fact mocking the ritual. He wasn't mocking me, he belittled the ritual of corporal punishment by placing it in the scope of absurdity where it belongs. It made me look foolish instead of feeling guilty.
 We had both become anesthetized within the necessary suspension of dignity required when one person tries to inflict his will upon another by means of disciplinary brutality.