Thursday, September 22, 2011

Up to speed

 Everything here has been going pretty much apace with the exception of my blog entries. New ideas for chimeral proteins has been the big push since the earlier part of this year and has kept me distracted from aught else. Igor managed to download some interesting base modeling programs, and I learned how to adapt them to model some theoretical constructs. Any model I punch into it runs as a visualized 3D simulation, complete with a timeline that can be sped up or slowed down.
 One of the smarty pants interns got a hold of it and programmed in something that at first I thought was a brilliant derivative of one of my trace logs until I let entire patch run and it turned out to be a construct of bacterial vectors intertwining to create Bavarian chocolate. It might be a great idea but there is less energy expended to make Bavarian chocolate the old fashioned way, according to Igor.
  Had this happened a hundred years ago I would've had the intern hung by the wrists in the courtyard and whipped for his insolence.