Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Protein vector problems

I have been puzzling over this since January of this year. A big downside is there really is no one out in the 'real world' I can call to trade ideas since I really am in a science-world of my own. My vocabulary is understood by Igor and the interns, but that's only through exposure to instructive hands-on familiarization. The terms I use would not correlate to an "outsider's" frame of scientific terminology reference. It would take too much time and effort to rename everything on the off chance I may want to call a lab at Oxford or Moscow University and swap notes. Not to mention that I can't really talk that much in depth about the bulk of my work because I would be seen as committing some kind of heinous affront to the ethical codices so studiously enforced everywhere else but here. You should see the interns when they've been around for a few weeks and then some report in the news will discuss the carping over the use of stem cells. They all start laughing; and it's particularly funny to them when they have been recently involved in the urgent disposal of some of our more 'avid' lab samples. Especially when those lab samples make urgent vocalizations (screams) as the interns shove them into the flame booth.
 But back to the protein thing. I am nearly completely consumed with this current obsession. At the end of it I see a means of creating a protein based neural network in not only the brains of the beings I create but this concept could work in real people. It would be used to line the blood vessels of the brain with thin microscopic lines of protein adapted to respond to the brain's natural processes, and would autonomously create many more synaptic connections - intentionally. It would use the oxygen in the blood for power, even with a natural brain's normal use there is still plenty of oxygen content in the blood to spare... as long as the Earth's atmosphere  oxygen portion doesn't fall below 16.22%.
 But there's a long way to go. Even longer if I have to figure out a way to get the end result into everyone's brain without them realizing it.