Monday, January 31, 2011

my next big project

  Seeing what great success I have had with actually creating new sentient life forms and in two instances (Igor and myself) prolonging it indefinitely, I figure that brainstorming up a method for traveling faster than the 'speed of light' with no time dilation should be a snap.
  Being immortal gives one a certain advantage of having all these years to muse in great depth over topics that come into one's scope of interest. I think I may have stumbled across some conjectural principles that when ironed out into real-world physical formulae can be applied within certain scales of advanced engineering concepts and used to develop hardware that would provide the means for humans to travel at a rate, that would be measurable (from any relative frame) as being 'faster' than the speed of light.
  The notional hardware I will refer to as
the 'gizmo', for the sake of reference. Currently there are a few severe considerations.
  To wit:

  1. No post departure / pre return real time communication possible, probably ever. 
Once arrived at a destination, all the passengers could do is observe, and that from an appreciable distance. The gizmo can only get but so close to gravitational wells. It is intended to operate in and out of gravitational planes, not wells. It wouldn't even have windows to look outside, nor would disembarking be possible without external assistance.
 3. The gizmo would have to operate and depart at an appreciable distance from the Earth, beyond the reach of the terminal attraction (or sharp curve distortion) of Earth's gravity well. Probably way way above the north pole so as to not contend with the moon's gravity.
 4. Real time charting of the destination's actual location would be tricky, and an active charting system would have to be maintained en route in order to get back. If the gizmo accidentally fell within the sharp curve of a destination's gravity well, it would require being towed back outside the gravity well (if possible). It has no external propulsion devices.
 5. All of the onboard power would be used for life support and to maintain the gizmo's physical configuration. I figured about 50,000 watts should do the trick. 50K watts means some king-hell batteries or a small nuclear reactor. Nuclear reactors make some people uneasy, and it would have to be really small because the gizmo cannot exceed a certain mass in any heliocentric gravitic plane.
  The gizmo uses no propulsion. It's cumulative physical shape is 'rejected' by a space time fabric within the confines of a large equatorial gravitational plane. In our case, the Milky Way's central black hole's equatorial plane of gravity that defines the flat disc shape of our galaxy. The gizmo's shape is 'rejected' out of the equatorial gravitic space-time fabric in a manner (for the means of illustration) similar to a balloon that is being
inflated while underwater; the balloon will attempt to rush to the surface as it is puffed full of air.
  The gizmo is actually comprised of two separate physical pieces that alone are merely passive masses but when brought within a certain proximity to one another create the effect. Sort of like a piece of tarp and a raft. Rig the tarp up and connect it to the raft and if there is a wind the tarp becomes a sail, and the raft moves. With the gizmo one piece is the 'sail' and the other is the 'raft', and the equatorial plane of the black hole's gravity influence is the atmosphere; the wind comes in the form of the space time rejection of the shape of the 'sail' piece, and it only works in an equatorial gravitational plane. This means it can only travel within a galaxy, and not too close to it's center. The gizmo only works if the two pieces are in proximal contact (not actual physical contact) with each other, this is the weird part I don't quite yet fully understand. But the combination of the two pieces in various poses of proximal contact also allows for the ability to 'steer' the space time rejection effect, but this must be plotted and programmed under strictly timed sequential control before the gizmo can be used. It would be like having the route down a river programmed into a device that was connected to the raft's tiller, it could not be manually steered. 
 Needless to say, there is still a lot that needs to be ironed out. Funny choice of words, for the business parts of the sail piece are constructed entirely of 100% pure iron. It is not entirely solid through certain parameter edges, it only needs to 'present the density' of the iron atoms in a particular shape within a gravitational plane.
  As for it's shape: think of what shapes that the universe only creates and what shapes the universe never creates.
  More on this as it develops. I would need to have some serious talks with the Russians about long term lift-to-orbit contracts, and I may have to fund a polar geostationary space station where this gizmo could be built.